04 September 2006

Editing HTML for the first time

LAST NIGHT, I already did some tinkering with the HTML code of this test blog, with positive results. Until my Blast card ran out: goodbye dialup internet...

But the sequence was quite fresh in my mind, so I implemented them after going through my usual internet "morning rites": checking my emails (Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail), reading the news (Yahoo News, Yahoo Sports, Inquirer.Net, ABS-CBNNews, Google News: largely all at the same time), and finally checking the blogs in my roll.

Again, this HTML tyro was able to figure out how to retain the robust Arial Black title of his posts: essentially cutting and pasting the variable "blog title font" entry (which is built around that specific font) and renaming it "post title font". Neat, huh?

I also reconfigured my date header style to Verdana Bold, and used the Template > Fonts and Colors function to change its color to the shade of blue that matches my blog title.

It is the "Archives" widget that is proving to be too difficult: there's just too many greek-sounding and -looking line commands that my hotshot younger brother who's now working in some Paranaque-based international forwarder should easily understand.

In the face of this conundrum, I really postponing the migration of that other blog after restoring the "Recently" section in my other sidebar -- that I already thought to be largely irrelevant.

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